AWS Makes The IoT Manageable And Flexible

The ever-evolving ´Internet of Things (IoT) offers an innovative tech partner in the form of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and, more specifically, its AWS IOT product mix. The premier public network allows any user to quickly connect, identify, trap, store, or extend information anywhere, anytime, on any device.

From a DevOps consulting perspective, getting virtual processes to operate transparently while also attempting to teach and mentor clients in the ways of new development methodologies sometimes creates challenges, particularly since the IoT is in constant motion. However, the AWS constellation provides everything necessary to get the show on the road in double quick time while also easily integrating and accepting the DevOps methodology.

Here are some of the elements that AWS IOT offers;

Intrinsic connective layers including
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The system fabric provides for HTTP, WebSockets, and AWS´ MQTT, which applies as a thin protocol specifically designed to resist balky connectivity. The system also encompasses a host of other industry-compliant protocols, in addition to various socket-elements that allow integration with discrete devices regardless of virtually any technical dissimilarity.

End-to-end security
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AWS IOT harbors all-point encryption as an intrinsic security characteristic. This means that data elements are never exchanged between devices without identity-level authorization. The systems also allows for direct device-level security by means of a host of granular systems rules and policies.

Real-time device/data process triggering
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The AWS IOT enables users to filter, and execute necessary data elements on the basis of customized business rules. This capability also harbors the direct integration of a host of affiliate AWS services such as: AWS Lambda, Amazon Kinesis, Amazon S3, Amazon Machine Learning, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon CloudWatch, and Amazon Elasticsearch Service, thereby creating extending robust evolutions on-demand.

Constant-state and start device monitoring
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The AWS IOT system constantly monitors and establishes the state, or condition, of any compliant device. This means that the client´s device is always seen to be active, even if it is off-line, or disconnected. This value offers rapid spin-up, since once a user´s startup preferences are established, as the device powers up, any previous operating conditions are immediately reconstituted.

As a practical matter, then, from a business perspective the AWS IOT fabric allows enterprise users to go from initiation-to-full-operation quickly, and with a minimum of cost. Secondarily, and perhaps more importantly, the architecture´s ability to integrate virtually any relevant IoT element on-demand, streamlines necessary network, hardware, and/or software provisioning, in the same way that the DevOps methodology behaves at a doctrinal level.

Together, these collaborative capabilities create a powerful enterprise system footprint; that allows any commercial entity to embrace, and accept, the ´Internet of Things´ as a ready business advantage, rather than the potential of a significant and costly challenge. In order to understand this value a bit more clearly, here are two short case descriptions that illustrate what is being done now, along with newly-focused upon markets sectors.

  • – The Phillips HealthSuite platform uses the AWS IOT to collect active patient data points thereby analyzing, managing, and manipulating a static density of 15 petabytes of information.
  • – Scout Alarms, a recognized leader in wireless residential security systems, uses the AWS IOT to manage and support its self-installed systems network. In the event positive impacts were largely realized by reductions in overall infrastructure startup costs, and rapid deployment of the company systems product platform.

Additional market sectors showing active interest in the AWS IOT value prop include:

  • – Production agriculture operations
  • – Automotive sales and supply-chain activities
  • – Merchant sales operations
  • – Financial services operations
  • – Capital development
  • – Investment and securities operations
  • – Consumer and industrial device operations
  • – Casino and gaming operations
  • – Home automation deployment and support
  • – Commercial logistics, warehousing, and distribution operations
  • – Municipal infrastructure operations
  • – Oil and natural gas operations
  • – Commercial, scientific and military robotic development
  • – Aerospace, general aviation, and passive/active drone operations
  • – Real Estate and property management

As one can see the IoT is penetrating virtually everything, everywhere these days. Consequently, in order to support its further development, the AWS IOT is ready and able to offer a sturdy, flexible and easily managed technical foundation; that is further enhanced by rapid, quality-assured development processes guided by the DevOps methodology.

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